Everyday is Sunday, now.
Everyday is Sunday, now is a pinhole camera project recording shelter-in-place, social environments. The camera’s wide-angle “lens” and long exposures obfuscate moving objects and translate the sedentary as a once and future dystopia. The accompanying narrations are the written word equivalents to the pinhole photographs.
commute 2-week stubble jammies slippers zoom garage cubicle the drapes do not match the carpet the roots do. Gloves masques and hand sanitizer coughing sneezing sideways glances do they know each other? Leashed scrunched hunched backs mourning constitutionals excuses to leave the house garbage recycling I need to check the mail. Look both ways muscle memory and look again empty streets full of cars. Push notifications FEDEX U P S pavlovian responses real first world connections six to eight weeks to arrive. Hello neighbor social distance social distortion social media the new american past time howling with strangers a shaved head whisking coffee flashing your other. Faded tape lines satirical amusement park ques curbside pickup only. N95 obfuscated smiles hot exhale steamy glasses polyethylene barriers did I just pull my mask down to hear you better? Every day is Sunday now routines forgotten vacation schedules two day sum day the next. |
Routinism vol. 2
a zine
Hear to Their Slouched, ear bud posture, And Backpack companions. Tibetan vibrations. Blue screens, white noise. Pavlovian conditioning. Vacant. Swipe. |
Routinism vol. 1
a zine
analog coding rinse lather if live then repeat existential implications finding meaning in presence comfort in minutiae conversations connections moments |
a zine
one/100 two a plastic optic event horizon collects connects condenses bifocal extrapolations of time and space |
CMY and K
Lamenting? Digital experimentations. Stratum explore, blend, And twist. Partially seen, unseen? Subjugating analog equivalencies, To a serendipitous end. |
coming full circle as it were once again no tongue-in-cheek no highly-stylized pleasantries, LEDs no penis head dick mistrustful dubious unconvinced raw turn your head and cough self-examinations |
Deep learning frameworks.
Rampant consumerism,
and eat it too.
Needn't search,
Cookies, history, photo library
Know me best.
Poetic bus stops,
Dogs and cats ...
atrophic eating habits
enjoyed with one click.
Note: I had been exploring the written word quietly for a few months when a friend introduced me to the movie Patterson outside of all things computer (yes we were having a old-timey face to face conversation). I had forgotten about the movie until it "magically" appeared in the suggested column of my Amazon list. I couldn't just let her know it was there I had to write this poem. It just seemed fitting.
Rampant consumerism,
and eat it too.
Needn't search,
Cookies, history, photo library
Know me best.
Poetic bus stops,
Dogs and cats ...
atrophic eating habits
enjoyed with one click.
Note: I had been exploring the written word quietly for a few months when a friend introduced me to the movie Patterson outside of all things computer (yes we were having a old-timey face to face conversation). I had forgotten about the movie until it "magically" appeared in the suggested column of my Amazon list. I couldn't just let her know it was there I had to write this poem. It just seemed fitting.
Los Caprichos 2020
I wanted to explore and one that developed the visual narrative of this project was essentially WWGD (What would Goya do?). I like to envision a contemporary Goya sitting down at his computer and doing some digital collaging and then turning around and sharing it with the world via social media. For this series, I indevoured to faithfully reproduce the original compositions using contemporary figures by Los Caprichos – the compositions are recreated from the original prints and the titles of each print are related tweets from the @RealDonaldTrump. The tone of the visual narrative is inspired by George Orwell’s 1984 that featured rough digital collaging and historical obfuscation echoing Winston Smith’s efforts to recreate historical “fake news” for a totalitarian Big Brother.
Note: After months of researching Trump tweets and collecting the collage items for all of the Caprichos, I had to stop after just 4 images. It was too much.
I wanted to explore and one that developed the visual narrative of this project was essentially WWGD (What would Goya do?). I like to envision a contemporary Goya sitting down at his computer and doing some digital collaging and then turning around and sharing it with the world via social media. For this series, I indevoured to faithfully reproduce the original compositions using contemporary figures by Los Caprichos – the compositions are recreated from the original prints and the titles of each print are related tweets from the @RealDonaldTrump. The tone of the visual narrative is inspired by George Orwell’s 1984 that featured rough digital collaging and historical obfuscation echoing Winston Smith’s efforts to recreate historical “fake news” for a totalitarian Big Brother.
Note: After months of researching Trump tweets and collecting the collage items for all of the Caprichos, I had to stop after just 4 images. It was too much.
Post 2020 election.
Leading up to the 2016 election I was documenting the Republican candidates for president using traditional campaigning materials.
Miscelaneous commentary from over the years.
Amazingly, these prints were made pre pandemic when there was a measles outbreak at Disney ... brought to you by anti-vaxers.
These digital prints were produced after No Child Left Behind was hitting all schools serving minoritized populations disporportionally compared to wealthier schools.
When I first learned relief printmaking, I was very influenced by Sean Starwars. The Bush/Cheney years were full of angry art.